Vodka Artesanal Obeliu
“All vodkas are the same…” If that’s what you think, you’re very much mistaken. We present to you a drink in which every drop is full of courage, dedication and hard work: Obeliu Crafted Vodka. Obeliu Crafted Vodka is a matter of principle – a principle to create an exquisite vodka with character. Obeliu Crafted Vodka is still made today with great dedication. Bottle: 700ml Alcohol content: 40% “Have you noticed the picture on the Obeliu Crafted vodka bottle? It’s an original photograph of the Obeliu distillery owner’s wife, Countess Katerina, working at the distillery in 1932. It is said that no one was too good to work at the Obeliu distillery, so every drop of this vodka is full of courage, dedication and hard work.”